Frequently Asked Questions

What are training courses?
Our training courses are about helping all individuals learn relevant, practical applications of knowledge whether it is first aid, safe manual lifting, food hygiene and other subject areas.  Our training informs staff or individuals what they should or should not do in certain situations and provides them with information and confidence.

Why use Brookfield Training & Treatments?
Brookfield Training & Treatments are a doctor & nurse team with a joint experience of 40 years experience clinically. We are a developing business based upon 15 years experience from Mark teaching in the care Industry. Brookfield Training has been recently joined by Dr Nicole Burge who has experience from her career as an RAF Medical Officer & has a GP background.

Where are the training courses held?
We like to work with you to make it easier & more convenient. We are very happy to come to you & run the training courses on site. Equally we can arrange a venue if you wish to run them off site.

How many people can I have on a training course?
The amount of people that can participate in a training course is dependent on the specific course. Some courses can be run as a lecture which will allow as many as the venue will hold to participate. Some courses are skills based & small numbers will be appropriate. Ultimately as trainers we wish to maximize learning – class size is a factor that can affect this. We are happy to discuss numbers.

What are the costs involved?
We offer a free initial discussion to ascertain your needs. There is no obligation at this point. We are competitive on prices, total costs are negotiated on an hourly rate or session fees (half day or full day). Travel expenses are negotiable to cover costs.

What do the costs include?
The costs of the training courses include course materials, certificates and ongoing advice via telephone if needed.